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WIKI movie player

Page history last edited by Renske Hofman 11 years, 11 months ago

Using a movie is a great way to complement your introduction or answer. The Wiki has a build in tool for embedding movies. When you just upload a .MPG file the Wiki users have to download the movie before they can watch it. Downloading files is not always possible on school computers and so your movie is not being watched!!


Embedding a movie in the Wiki is very easy and it works like this:


1. Go to YouTube and upload your movie. 

2. After uploading copy the YouTube link of the movie.

3. Go to the Wiki page where you want to embed the movie and click "Edit" on the top.

4. Go to "insert" -> "video" -> "YouTube"



5. Paste the link in the box and click next.

6. Save the Wiki page and your movie is playable on the Wiki page without downloading :)




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